Open House

Open House

1st Saturday of the Month

July through October

The historic Saxton House and Red Front buildings will be open to the public. Come and see the refurbished buildings and historic artifacts.

Historic Display

Historic Argyle Storefront

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Booklet by Dennis G. Dillon, Argyle Historian
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$3.00+.50 S&H   

This booklet is intended to give an impression, for young people especially, of what the Argyle settlement looked like when Robert M. La Follette lived here from 1862 to 1870.  Most of the ink sketches are taken from post Civil War photos.

The material is drawn from memoirs of various Argyle families and from the articles of Geneva Gaskill Saalsaa, daughter of the Atlas editor, George G. Gaskill, published over the years in local newspapers.  Building on the recollections of her father, the information has been embellished by contributions from readers who were spurred by Mrs. Saalsaa's articles to contribute genealogical and anecdotal material – a process that granted to us all invaluable facts about Argyle's beginnings that would have otherwise remained unknown to the general public.

The biography of the illustrious statesman by wife, Belle and daughter, Fola, (1953) also contains facts about La Follette's experience in Argyle.

Proceeds from the sale of this booklet will be used to finance publication of a more definitive history in time for the one hundred fiftieth anniversary of Allan Wright's naming of the Argyle settlement in 1844.

I dedicate this collection to the memory of my grandmother, Adlell Hendrickson Wahler, who lived nearly all her ninety nine years in Argyle, knew much about early families and often mentioned the La Follettes.

Dennis G. Dillon
January, 1992